
Winter Sports Days

Winter Sports Days

Skiing Excursions to Nearby Resorts + -

Organize day trips to local ski resorts around Zug, catering to all skill levels from beginners to advanced skiers.

Snowboarding Adventures + -

Offer snowboarding sessions with professional instructors, perfect for those looking to improve their skills or hit the slopes for the first time.

Cross-Country Skiing in Zug + -

Explore the tranquil beauty of Zug's winter landscapes with guided cross-country skiing trails, suitable for all ages and abilities.

Snowshoe Hiking Tours + -

Experience the serenity of snow-covered forests and meadows on guided snowshoe hikes, a perfect activity for nature lovers.

Ice Skating on Natural Lakes + -

Take advantage of Zug's cold winters by organizing ice skating days on frozen lakes, complete with hot chocolate for warmth.

Winter Wildlife Watching + -

Arrange guided tours to observe and learn about the wildlife that thrives in the Swiss winter environment, offering a unique educational experience.

Tobogganing and Sledding Fun + -

Set up family-friendly sledding hills for an afternoon of tobogganing fun, including races and other playful competitions.

Event details:


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