
Faculty Mixers and Social Events

Faculty Mixers and Social Events

Welcome Receptions for New Faculty + -

Host welcome receptions at the beginning of each academic year or semester to introduce new faculty members to the community and foster a welcoming atmosphere.

Thematic Cultural Evenings + -

Organize evenings with themes celebrating various international cultures represented in the faculty, featuring traditional foods, music, and presentations.

Faculty Development Workshops + -

Include social components in professional development workshops, allowing faculty to learn and socialize simultaneously, strengthening professional relationships.

Outdoor Team-Building Activities + -

Plan outdoor team-building activities such as hiking, sailing on Lake Zug, or participating in local sports events to encourage collaboration and camaraderie among faculty.

Faculty Art and Hobby Showcases + -

Provide a platform for faculty to share and showcase their hobbies, artworks, or other personal projects, fostering a sense of community and mutual appreciation.

Regular Coffee Mornings or Happy Hours + -

Establish regular informal gatherings like coffee mornings or happy hours, offering faculty a relaxed environment to catch up and network.

End-of-Year Celebration Dinners + -

Celebrate the end of the academic year with a formal dinner, acknowledging achievements, milestones, and contributions of the faculty over the past year.

Event details:


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